Wednesday 20 February 2013

Don’t kill your mother-tongue!

Speak your mother-tongue to someone close to your heart. Let it be the first language to the next generation. 

If you are a husband, speak it to your wife and children. If you are a wife, speak it to your husband and children. If you hand it over to your next generation, it will remain a living and thriving language. If you break its transmission to the next generation, it will become a moribund language. Its moribund state is the first step to its death. Do not contribute to the death of your mother tongue. Rather, contribute to its development. Join UNIUYO Linguistics, to explore and implement ways of keeping your mother tongue alive, thriving and fit to be handed over to your next generation as the worthy legacy that it is. It needs to be empowered to take its rightful place in both the space of place and the space of flows, especially in this age of sophisticated technology. It needs to be written in books. Your mother will be very proud of you indeed!

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